Monday, March 26, 2012

The People Under The Stairs (1991)

Wes Craven. A horror movie genius. I love this film. I personally think it is his best, but that is just me. The first time I ever saw this film, I ended up too afraid of the basement to even go near the door. 

This movie is great, though. I love how the one child, who had his tongue cut out and is mute, has the elaborate labyrinth in the walls of the house, who manages to mostly escape Mommy and Daddy (the only real way we know about the adults who are in the house who control the kids in the basement) until he is finally killed. 

The people under the stairs turn out to be former children of Mommy and Daddy who have either spoken, seen, or heard something that the pair consider "evil". Those children have had the offending part removed. It's quite a creepy idea, seeing how ridiculously crazy about that they are. I think that the two definitely have some issues that they need to get lots and lots and lots of psychological help with things. 

 I recommend this flick to anyone who wants a Wes Craven without massive hardcore scary. Yes, this is a scary film, but I feel that it could have been much scarier than it is. 

I first watched this film when I was about eight or nine. I got scared, but not nearly as scared as I have gotten from other films at older ages. (I'm eighteen now. Don't intentionally allow small children to watch scary movies. I watched a lot of scary films at younger ages due to having an older brother and my pretending to be asleep.)

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