Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cry-Baby (1990)

The Cry-Baby Gang
This movie is entirely hilarious. It exaggerates the rift that can occur between different groups of people, and shows how people can overcome their prejudices to become friends, or even more. 

One of my favorite parts is the beginning, simply because the teen reactions to getting the shots are rather comical. I enjoy the looks on their faces and how hilarious they seem. 

Calling the "normal people" squares just makes me laugh, and calling the people that are different "drapes". Whenever they call them drapes I think of curtains, and I start laughing at calling someone a decorative hanging. 

I find it strange that they call Johnny Depp's character Cry-Baby, because he only ever lets loose one tear until the end of the movie; yet I still find it humorous. 

In this film, I feel that the drapes are better people than the squares. The drapes don't ever seem to do anything too bad, they seem to just stay at their end of town and try to stay away from the squares. Although they do antagonize each other; the drapes seem at least slightly more accepting of other people. 

I also love how they portray a teen mother in a slightly better image than most movies. Pepper truly loves her kids, which is refreshing to see in a teen film. A lot of the time, it seems like teen mothers are shown as uncaring and somewhat cold towards their children. 

This is definitely a must see for any Johnny Depp fan. This movie has Johnny Depp in his perfect teen heart-throb role.

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