Friday, May 4, 2012

Animal House (1978)

This is the film that I hope is what started the whole, "Toga! Toga! Toga!" chant that you often think of when you think frat houses and toga parties. Personally, that's why I always think that.

John Belushi. Need I say more?

The storyline is funny, and quite entertaining. I had this movie on the television and was watching it for the first time ever, and my dad comes downstairs and sits there watching it with me. He was surprised at my knowledge of old films, but then again, I did learn from him.

Watching Animal House isn't exactly the most normal way of bonding with a parent, but hey, my blog is about cult movies which in of itself isn't the most normal.

Anyways, I highly recommend this movie to anyone who was a fan of the American Pie movies, which I believe are in and of themselves cult classics. Animal House is a slightly less risque version, and a little more classy. (If that can be managed from a film about a college frat house)

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